API reference

Pango Helpers

class pangocairohelpers.LayoutClusters(layout: pangocffi.layout.Layout)

A decomposed representation of pangocffi.Layout as clusters (in other words pangocffi.GlyphItem)

This class is useful in scenarios where one wants to iterate over each individual cluster (commonly a single glyph or character).

Warning: RTL directional text like Arabic or Hebrew is not supported for now.

get_layout() → pangocffi.layout.Layout
Returns:the layout on which this instance is based on
get_clusters() → List[pangocffi.glyph_item.GlyphItem]
Returns:a list of GlyphItem for each cluster in the layout
get_logical_extents() → List[pangocairohelpers.glyph_extent.GlyphExtent]
Returns:a list of GlyphExtent for each cluster in the layout
get_max_logical_extent() → Optional[pangocairohelpers.extent.Extent]
Returns:the extent of the layout itself

Shapely Helpers

Line Helper

Functions to help with a single line segments.

pangocairohelpers.line_helper.coords_length(coord_a: Tuple[float, float], coord_b: Tuple[float, float]) → float
  • coord_a – the first coordinate
  • coord_b – the second coordinate

the length between two coordinates

pangocairohelpers.line_helper.coords_are_left_to_right(coord_a: Tuple[float, float], coord_b: Tuple[float, float]) → Optional[bool]
  • coord_a – the first coordinate
  • coord_b – the second coordinate

True if the coordinates are going left to right, False if right to left. If the line is vertical, None is returned.

LineString Helper

Functions to help with Shapely’s LineString class.

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.left_to_right_length(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString) → float
Parameters:line_string – the LineString to measure
Returns:the length of all the line segments in line_string that go left (-x) to right (+x)
pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.right_to_left_length(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString) → float
Parameters:line_string – the LineString to measure
Returns:the length of all the line segments in line_string that go right (+x) to left (-x)
pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.interpolated_distance_of_point(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString, point: shapely.geometry.point.Point) → float
  • line_string – the LineString to find the distance on
  • point – the point to find on the line

the interpolation distance to calculate the position of the point on the line string

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.points_at_distance_from_point_on_line_string(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString, point: shapely.geometry.point.Point, distance: float) → List[shapely.geometry.point.Point]
  • line_string – the LineString to find points on
  • point – the circle’s center point to find intersections on the line
  • distance – the circle’s radius to find intersections on the line

a list of points that exist in the line_string and intersect the circle at point with the radius distance

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.next_offset_from_offset_in_line_string(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString, current_offset: float, distance: float) → Optional[float]

Used to find the next point on a line_string that is at a certain distance away from the current point on the line.

  • line_string – the LineString to find the offset on
  • current_offset – the offset to start at
  • distance – the distance the next offset should be

the next offset that is distance units away from the current offset on the line_string

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.angles_at_offsets(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString) → List[Tuple[float, float]]
Parameters:line_string – the LineString to read values from
Returns:a list of angle values, indexed by the offset within the line_string
pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.angle_at_offset(angles_at_offsets_list: List[Tuple[float, float]], offset: float) → float
  • angles_at_offsets_list – a list of angle values, indexed by the offset
  • offset – the offset value to look for

the angle at a specific offset in the angles_at_offsets

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.reverse(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString) → shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString

Todo :param line_string: :return:

pangocairohelpers.line_string_helper.substring(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString, start: float, end: Optional[float] = None) → Optional[shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString]

Todo :param line_string: :param start: :param end: :return:


class pangocairohelpers.text_path.TextPath(line_string: shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString, layout: pangocffi.layout.Layout)

Renders text similar to the behaviour found in SVG’s <textPath>.

line_string behaves as the baseline for the text in the layout.

Multi-line layouts are not supported and will throw an error.

Left-to-right text is assumed.

text_fits() → bool


compute_baseline() → Optional[shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString]

Computes the baseline that the text covers

Returns:a linestring representing the baseline of the text
compute_boundaries() → Optional[shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon]

Computes the combined glyph extents for the text path

Returns:a union of glyph extents
draw(context: cairocffi.context.Context)

